Thanks to a Best Doctors specialist, Brian finally understood the root of his pain episodes

Brian’s complaints started in 2011 when he began experiencing heavy pains in his chest that radiated up to his jaw. His doctors originally linked the pain to the result of a fall from a roof Brian experienced earlier in 2010. He received treatment from a chiropractor but his symptoms did not improve.

He was suffering from these pain attacks for an entire year and the symptoms had worsened and now included shortness of breath and tingling in his fingers. It was at this moment that Brian’s medical team admitted him to his local hospital’s cardiology department. He underwent several examinations, but his cardiologist didn’t find any abnormalities in his heart. He was then referred to a jaw surgeon because of the radiation he experienced in his jaw, in the hope that this specialist would be able to provide Brian more clarity about his condition. The jaw surgeon cleaned out two infections from Brian’s jaw, but unfortunately this didn’t help diminish the pain episodes he was experiencing.

I had tow pain attacks per week. I was desperate and was scared that the pain would only get worse’’

Brian’s episodes surprisingly were more frequent in times that he was resting as opposed to doing physical exercise. Luckily for Brian, his treating physicians didn’t lose faith and conducted additional cardiac examinations. Besides finding a cyst behind his heart, which was attached to his oesophagus, there were no other abnormalities found. His treating doctor explained to Brian that unfortunately, the cyst was not the source of his pain. The team believed that Brian could possibly be suffering from Tietze Syndrome, an inflammatory disorder characterised by chest pain and swelling of the cartilage of one or more of the upper ribs. But no further consults were conducted to confirm this medical theory.

Brian was desperate for more clarity about his condition and contacted his insurer for help. They quickly referred him to the Best Doctors team.

His second medical opinion process began with an in-depth phone call with a Best Doctors nurse who compiled a comprehensive patient intake file and kicked-off the medical record collection process on Brian’s behalf. A leading Thoracic surgeon was selected from the Best Doctor’s expert database and assigned to Brian’s case.

Upon reviewing Brian’s medical information, the Best Doctors specialist came to the conclusion that there were no indications of Tietze Syndrome and Brian’s symptoms weren’t related to any kind of heart disease. On the contrary, the specialist indicated that his professional opinion was that that the cyst was most likely causing his symptoms and recommended that Brian have it removed.

Brian was pleasantly surprised with the insight his Best Doctors specialist provided and the comfort he found in receiving the second medical analysis. Armed with his Best Doctors report, Brian immediately went back to see his treating doctor. Brian’s local doctor was also satisfied with the report and appreciative of having had the opportunity to receive insight from another specialist in order to provide Brian the best care. Together they decided to follow the specialists advice and Brian underwent surgery to have the cyst removed.

After his surgery Brian started to quickly feel better and his pain attacks subsided.

The cyst was the trigger of his symptoms all along and now that it is gone, Brian’s quality of life has vastly improved.

  Brian’s physical symptoms vanished thanks to the information he received through Best Doctors second opinion service.  

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