Welcome to the Best Doctors Case of the Month
Finally feeling better after years of struggle

Gerard had long suffered from chronic renal insufficiency and polycystic kidney disease. His condition had progressed to the point where he required an additional, third kidney. Over the next two years, his life was marked by an ongoing struggle with various medications, short-lived recoveries and alarming episodes that would see him readmitted to hospital for a variety of conditions. To make matters worse, the donor kidney was eventually rejected and his symptoms of fatigue and fluid retention were exacerbated by high blood pressure, decreased sensation in his feet and episodes of nausea and loss of appetite.

“I really felt as if I was between a rock
and a hard place.”

Eighteen months after the transplant, Gerard had suffered from everything from a collapsed lung to a stress ankle fracture, all effects of the transplant. He eventually reached the point he was unable to eat or drink. His wife, Anja, decided to contact Best Doctors.



Best Doctors selected an expert nephrologist who, reviewing Gerard’s extensive medical history, concluded that his symptoms had been caused by his two original kidneys. He recommended that Gerard have both of these removed and that he undergo additional testing and a biopsy of the donor kidney. Further treatment would be determined based on the results.

“I really liked how I could speak openly with the nurse and the team who helped us, and the clear language of the report we received.”

The expert provided Gerard with recommendations on changes to medication and urged him to work with his treating team towards a second transplantation.

Gerard and Anja followed the expert recommendations. The right kidney has already been removed with very good results and they are planning to remove the left. Gerard is feeling much better and his symptoms have dramatically decreased.

Kidney transplant advice brings dramatic improvement
Charlie's case. PDF Document  - How it works Bestdoctorsonline. Video Online

If you have any questions about Best Doctors please call Jamie Vickers, Director Sales and Account Management on +61414486596.

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