Welcome to the Best Doctors Case of the Month
Condition not
life-threatening, mother incredibly relieved

Eleven-year-old Grace had been feeling dizzy and faint, off and on for a week or two. Her mother, Tracey, took her to a see a paediatrician. At the follow-up appointment a week later, she was informed that her daughter’s heart was enlarged and that something was wrong with the right atrium. Grace was referred to a paediatric cardiologist and was told not only to stop playing hockey and volleyball but also to stay away from all activities, of any kind.

“I was not even functional
with the initial shock. You think your baby is happy and healthy and then you are told that she could die at any moment.”

A colleague at work reminded Tracey that the company employees had access to Best Doctors. She decided to get in touch, and began an In-depth Medical Review.

In the meantime, Grace experienced chest pains at school and was rushed to emergency, where an ECG indicated that she was likely suffering from Long QT Syndrome, a rare disorder of the heart’s electrical system which causes rapid heartbeat and may lead to fainting and, in some cases, sudden death.



Grace stayed overnight at the hospital. The following day she was seen by the cardiologist, who told Tracey that there was nothing wrong with her daughter and that the computer programmes reporting ECGs were not always accurate. Tracey was completely at a loss.

“Who were we to believe? It was an incredibly distressing time.”

It was then that Tracey received the Best Doctors expert report. After a thorough review of Grace’s case, the expert cardiologist selected for the case diagnosed vasodepressor reaction, a benign and manageable condition comparable to low blood pressure and which can be controlled by drinking lots of fluids and adding more salt to the diet.

“What incredible relief when Best Doctors called with the report and I was told that Grace did not have an enlarged right atrium, but a condition that could be controlled with diet.”

Since the Best Doctors diagnosis, Grace has had two episodes of weakness and fatigue and is now more aware of the need to drink lots of fluids. Yet nothing has kept her away from her activities and her mother is very grateful to Best Doctors for giving her certainty and peace of mind.

Conflicting diagnoses resolved
Charlie's case. PDF Document  - How it works Bestdoctorsonline. Video Online

If you have any questions about Best Doctors please call Jamie Vickers, Director Sales and Account Management on +61414486596.

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