Mike’s allergy treatment was not bringing any relief. He was wondering if he really had allergies.

Ever since blood tests had indicated an allergy to cats two years ago, Mike’s doctor had been treating his snuffling, coughing, and shortness of breath as allergies. Yet Mike was doubtful. He had tried several different allergy medications and had even undergone oral immunotherapy, yet nothing helped.

“All of a sudden at age 59 I was allergic to cats? I’d had cats my whole life. It made no sense to me."

“I’d go on a business trip for a week to a non-cat environment, and nothing changed. I was just not convinced I had allergies."

When Mike started a new job, he was told that he had access to Best Doctors as part of his employee benefits, and decided to get in touch.

The Best Doctors team gathered Mike’s extensive medical records, including all of his previous test results, and sent them to an expert specializing in ear, nose and throat conditions for evaluation.

“Best Doctors was in contact all the time, and were very solicitous at asking if I needed more information or assistance."


The report from the Best Doctors expert highlighted a combination of factors that were likely behind Mike’s symptoms: gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), chronic nasal drip, and a low-level allergic reaction. While no one factor was entirely to blame, taken together they were causing Mark’s symptoms.

The expert suggested sinus surgery to correct Mike’s postnasal drip, noting that this would likely reduce the effect of the other conditions. He also recommended that Mike try a different allergy drug which would block the substance his body was producing in response to an allergen.

Mike shared the Best Doctors expert report with his own doctor, who agreed with all of the findings. Mike is now taking medication for his allergies and GERD, which has alleviated some of his symptoms, and is considering the surgery recommended by the expert.

“My treating doctors really appreciated the report. I have a rare condition and the more expert knowledge I have, the better."

Mike’s symptoms are improving and he is finally getting relief.

If you have any questions about Best Doctors please call Jamie Vickers, Director Sales and Account Management on +61414486596.

This is a real Best Doctors case. Where necessary, personal details have been modified and photographs have been used for illustrative purposes in order to respect and maintain patient privacy. Best Doctors services are being provided solely for the purpose of providing medical information for use in the treatment provided by your treating doctor(s). The outcome of this case does not represent or guarantee that anyone will obtain a similar result, as the case will vary depending, among other circumstances, on the information provided to Best Doctors. It is prohibited to copy, use or publish the content or parts of the content of this case story without the express permission of Best Doctors. Best Doctors and the star-in-cross logo are trademarks of Best Doctors, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved © 2014 Best Doctors.